Monday, August 18, 2008

That's My Boy

So Jack has joined the league of the visually enhanced. The straw that broke the camel's back was going in for his Cub Scout Camp physical and not being able to read the eye chart and having to use his right eye to sight in a bb gun shot when he shoots left handed. So with much ado, and some family turmoil over what frames were just right, Jack is now a proud owner of his first spectacles. Thank God for vision coverage!!


Liz in Seattle said...

Lookin' good, Jack! Welcome to the family club. Just don't leave them where younger siblings can grab them.

My heavens, you look a whole year older...excellent.

Auntie Liz

Kevin Kopp said...

Bruce, my friend! Have you forgotten your camp archery training? A person's dominant eye is not necessarily related to one's dominant hand.