Function: noun
Definition: a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another
Synonyms: buddy, chum, comrade, confidant, crony, familiar, intimate, pal
Related Words: acquaintance; associate, cohort, colleague, companion, fellow, hearty, hobnobber, mate, partner, peer; brother; accomplice, ally, collaborator, confederate; benefactor, supporter, sympathizer, well-wisher.
7:30 AM October 10th, twenty-four hours after undergoing surgery on my right wrist, I hear through my pain pill induced stupor,
“Dad!! There is a tree on your car.”

Stumbling out of bed and cursing the wind storm raging outside, the power is out, our four kids are in full panic mode. I grab a coat, slippers and a flashlight and confirm the worst. A forty foot birch has dropped across our driveway and onto my Suburban. The damage thankfully appears minor, but I now have an issue. One handed, no power for the electric chainsaw, wind gusting to over 100, I need help, I needs my friends.
I call Jeff P, without fail, cheerfully answers the phone.
“Bruce Almighty!! What’s Up!!”
Drugs still slurring my words.
“Jeff, I need you and your chainsaw right now”
Not a question was asked.
“I’ll be right there”
Friend - buddy, chum, comrade, confidant, crony, familiar, intimate, pal
The tone in my youngest daughter’s voice is stressed and excited.
“Dad!! There are trees down all over the back yard.
Eight to be exact along with 100 feet of fence. A quick call to our tree service netted a 9:30 AM appointment for removal of the several precarious trees hanging over our neighbor’s house. Jeff P meanwhile has just finished clearing the tree in the driveway and is headed out to get his kids off to school.
“I’ll be back for the wood later”
“I’ll be back for the wood later”
Jeff P heats with wood so my tree is his warmth.
Now the fence. Parts are shattered across the back yard, an eighty foot section is leaning against a neighbor’s house. I call another friend, Jeff W and quickly explain the problem.
“I’ll round up some guys and you let me know when it’s safe for us to come over.”
About noon, the hanging deadmen trees are gone, and the fence is ready to be tended to. Jeff W, Ben, Todd and James show up and get to work.
Friend - acquaintance; associate, cohort, colleague, companion, fellow, hearty, hobnobber, mate, partner, peer, brother.
Three hours later, new posts are drying in their concrete foundations, temporary wire fencing is strung. James, Jeff P, Ben, Joe, Paul, and Gary make quick work on Sunday of attaching the old fence to the new posts and closing the two remaining gaps.
Friend - accomplice, ally, collaborator, confederate; benefactor, supporter, sympathizer, well-wisher
Friends standing in the gap for one another, providing more help than just physical, making good come from a tough situation. Friends
Thank You
1 comment:
Hey, you've got some amazing brothers up there. So said your sister, who was too darned lazy to get on a plane with HER chainsaw. Oh wait, I don't have a chainsaw...
Most excellent friends, and yeah, they definitely rock.
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