Monday, July 21, 2008

Fish On With Jack and Bini

ANGLER: fishonbruceAK


REGION: Kenai Peninsula

WATER: Kenai River near Sterling


REPORT: Fished Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Reds were slow to moderate coming through. Got two on Friday and Saturday, with many foul hookups. Flipped for about twenty minutes on Sunday. One bump and no splashers to be seen. Jack got his first unassisted sockeye, a nice medium sized hen.

Jack with his first "solo" fish.

Sabrina hooked into her first salmon, a tail dragger that headed for Timbuktu at mach 2.1. I hooked its twin just moments after her fish went wild. For about a minute or so we had sheer mayhem. Fortunately mine got off after I dropped my tip, thus letting me help free her's up as well. Hopefully next time we can put one in the net for her.

Sabrina looking to hook a sockeye

Seems like the fish have been running on the big side this year. Looking forward to the next surge!! Fish On......Bruce

1 comment:

Liz in Seattle said...

Nice job Jack! Did you put it on the grill, or save it for later?

Bini, you're getting closer. One of these days, girl. Oh, and for a long time Auntie Karen's record King was bigger than your dad's...