REGION: Upper Susitna and Copper River area
WATER: Chitina Dipnetting
SPECIES: Reds and Kings
REPORT: Two buddies and I hit the Chitina dipnet for an overnoght stay on the Copper River. We were dropped off near the lower end of the rapids at about 6 PM whereupon for the next six hours the fish came in at a fairly consistent rate including two 45lb kings. By midnight, we had about 50 or so on the bank and then it shut down. By 5 AM we had eeked up to 66 fish (includding another king in the 30lb range) and saw no more after that. We called it quits at seven and headed back. The reports from the other over nighters was pretty much the same, a few limits or near limits, but then it stopped in the morning. A nice morning was then spent filetting our catch then back to Anchorage. The guides are saying then river is really coming up right now and that the increased flows may hold back the fish. Or maybe not... Fish On!!
And how many pounds of fish was that?
And why no mention of your kid's moment of fame? Hmmmm? :-)
Let's see, the sockeye were running 6 to 8 lbs, say 3 meat lbs per fish, times 19 fish = 57 lbs sockeye plus two 10 lb king fillet and a 5 lb king fillet equals a grand total of about 80 lbs Copper River fillet. At the going price of $24.99 per lb, I'd say my yield was pushing $2,000. With my out of pocket cost for gear, gas, and food about $300, my salmon is running about $4.17 per pound, or roughly the cost of boneless skinless at Costco.
Oh and checkout Linda's blog for the brags on Jack
Hmmm...gives new perspective to the phrase "tastes like chicken"...
I'll bet that equation would make a great question on "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grade?". Let's test it on Jack.
He'd probably do a cost analysis of the time spent filleting the fish, and include car wear-n-tear and insurance.
Oh, and he'd need to include an annual spa trip for Mom, to make up for Dad's fishing trips during the year.
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